What We Believe

Our greatest aim is to empower young people to live confidently, capably, sensitively and creativey in the global community and to contribute to its direction.

Hillbrook offers an academic curriculum, fostering an integrated balance of personal, spiritual, intellectual and physical growth.

We strive to prepare young people for the challenges, opportunities and excitement of today’s world. Our motto, ‘In Balance We Grow’, underpins all our actions as a school community.

An inspirational pull quote from a student can be placed here.

Learning at Hilbrook

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Informality with Dignity

“One of the great things about being part of the Hillbrook community is its relaxed and respectful approach to ceremonies. From our early years there has been a belief that this “informality with dignity” is a significant contributor to the quality learning and community building that takes place within our school.

Some schools may often feel very formal, but I believe that when informality and dignity come together we achieve deeper connections. If we consider what ‘informality with dignity’ might look like, then relationships founded on ethical beaviour; respect; real meaningfu connectios; and understanding and care, would surely be key descriptors.

And if understanding and cooperation are practised daily, without foraml distance of position and hierarchy, then relationships will be even more immediate, powerful and real for students and staff.”

– Geoff Newton (Principal)


…relationships founded on: ethical behaviour; respect; real meaningful connections; and understanding and care

Hillbrook Campus and Facilities

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dolor mi, vehicula tincidunt nisi sed, vehicula fringilla ipsum. Proin auctor arcu id turpis interdum, sed pharetra nisl aliquet. Pellentesque consectetur magna nec ligula facilisis congue. Nunc ornare leo vitae imperdiet efficitur. Donec varius sollicitudin porttitor. Mauris malesuada viverra nulla, vitae cursus lacus pellentesque ut. Suspendisse elementum ex nec euismod imperdiet.

Mauris pulvinar lacus sed pellentesque lobortis. Integer vehicula dui porta tortor facilisis, eget porta massa porta. Phasellus et mauris interdum dui commodo consectetur ac sit amet odio. Nullam ipsum purus, blandit a magna id, varius vestibulum augue. Integer eu mauris pellentesque, auctor tellus eu, ullamcorper augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In condimentum sem fringilla gravida posuere.

…a place where people share high levels of trust and respect for one another.

Community is a fundamental human need, and like balance, is in danger of being lost in western society. Research supports a link between communal school values and students’ academic achievements. We strive to embody in the school’s culture, for students, staff and parents, a sense of community; a place where people share high levels of trust and respect for one another.

– Geoff Newton (Principal)


Ready to Enrol?

Find out more about our enrolment process, including our Enrolment Policy and Entry Year Guide, or Enrol Online today using out online portal.


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